Sunday, March 22, 2009


I want to be a writer. I supposed, however, that that will in fact never be a real possibility. In my short time here on earth I have discovered that writers possess one thing that eludes me. Creativity. Whether it’s in the form of a fantastic imagination, an originality that surpasses those preceding it, a new idea, a new perspective, a new tone, a new style, or a new individuality. The greatest writers captivate there readers through use of these tools…alas I have passion with no talent, perseverance without a goal, a dream without hope…can you really train creativity. It’s almost like being a great writer is a the equivalent to being a great Olympic athlete. Sure one can train and improve, but there is a certain, god given quality that is just inherent and unpracticed. A special body type, an abnormal amount of coordination, strength, agility, work ethic….these things are in bred, and like creativity can be honed but not created. It’s sad really, the thing I really holistically enjoy…the something that makes me feel valuable because my opinions, my voice, my ideas will be heard by others…the one thing that I could wake up to and fall asleep to happily (aside from my music of course ;), is something that I was not given the in bred knack for….at least…I don’t think so.
I suppose that there are, like styles of music, many styles of writing, from which a number of people can find pointless, un-engaging,or fascinating. Perhaps I am in fact a fine writer, maybe I am the greatest writer of this century…perhaps my works shall never be appreciated until long after I have become a part of the soil…I wonder. Maybe I have the gift of creativity after all, maybe I have a talent, a purity, or a rawness…a unique way of phrasing that which has already been said a thousand times…interesting…I suppose, like great musicians, you don’t do it because you think are incredible…I enjoy writing, I hope others will enjoy my writing, but if they don’t, that won’t stop me from doing it.
Perhaps that is in fact what makes a good writer…can it really be that easy? I’m tired, so I’m going to stop now, but think on these things.



  1. I like your writing. Please write more. :)

  2. what if its not the writers skills that make them a good writer, but the story behind it... certainly its probably a marriage between the two, but i would argue that both spouses don't bring the same amount of weight to the table: most readers would much rather enjoy a marginally skilled writer with an amazing story than an "olympicly" skilled writer who has nothing worth writing about...

    in other words, i wouldn't even debate how good or not good your skills are. certainly develop them, use them, and write as much as possible, but above all: live life... live your dreams... live a crazy and fulfilled life that readers are automatically drawn to, not because the writing is great (which i think it is and will be), but because the story is just that damn compelling...
