Sunday, March 22, 2009


i couldn't decide what to write about today, so i supposed i'll chose the awkward default...the weather. i live in a small corner of the world were rain and sun are prevalent, but snow is not, yet today God was feeling moody and decided to be nontraditional and unexplainable perhaps. no, i'm not a huge fan of the snow, and to be frank i don't understand how or why anyone is or would's cold, very cold, sometimes so cold you feel like your burning...what is that about? but nonetheless i suppose there is always something to appreciate. maybe just the uniqueness of the seasons, and i guess God's entitled to a little spontaneity whose says it can't snow in spring.


  1. Ha ha! So cold it burns...I like that. :)

  2. I think that Hell is actually in Fairbanks, Alaska. If we're good and do our homework we get field trips to Heaven (AKA California) while the rest of the state gets freezerburn.
